I've really enjoyed reading your posts. Thanks for sharing. :) If you haven't already posted and commented on the first prompt ("Welcome"), please do so still for partial credit. We want to hear your thoughts! Just be sure to title your blog accordingly so we know if you're writing about the American Dream or
The Great Gatsby. I also appreciate everyone being so flexible while I'm gone for my grandma's funeral. You're the greatest!
Task #2: For your next post, I want to hear your initial impressions of the characters in
The Great Gatsby. What do you think of Jay Gatsby? Do you think Daisy is a likable character? Why or why not? What about Daisy's husband Tom? Really, I'm just asking for your supported opinions about the characters. Also, be sure to COMMENT on someone else's post. This is due by Monday, Feb. 23, at 8:00 a.m.
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