Q-How did you feel the first day of your freshman year?
o Well I started high school with kind of an advantage over others I guess. I had my older sister Brandie who was a junior to help me. We were always good friends. Plus it didn’t hurt that I was a varsity cheerleader and it was a small town where everyone knew each other.
Q-What was your most embarrassing moment from your freshman year?
o My most embarrassing moment from freshman year? That is a hard one. It would probably be sitting at a choir concert and when I started to step down off the risers for my solo I started to fall and the person that tried to help me up ended up falling off the risers with me.
Q-When you started your sophomore year did you treat freshman badly?
o Oh, wow. Well, I would like to say that I was nice to the freshman and that we treated them fairly, but to be honest we probably didn’t treat the freshman as good as we could have. I think most of us are probably guilt of that at some time or another. I wish I could say that if I had it to do over I would change the way we treated them, but in reality I don’t think we would. Being picked on as the underdog is part of the high school experience I think.
Q-What was your most embarrassing moment from your sophomore year?
o My most embarrassing moment from sophomore year that one is easy. It is without a doubt my NHS induction ceremony. I fell down the stairs to the stage, accidentally knocked over my candle and lit the tablecloth on fire, and when I went to sit down I completely missed my chair and fell on the floor. All of this happened in front of the entire student body. That one wins hands down no questions asked I just wanted to hide in my house for the rest of the year.
Q-Your junior year begins and you are not on top but definitely have son authority. What do you do with it?
o Well, when my junior year started I no longer had my older sister there to rely on, but I did have my younger sister starting high school as a freshman. I will always remember how much it helped me to have my older sister there to help me and I wanted to do the same for my younger sister. So my junior year I did everything I could to make her transition into high school as easy as possible for her.
Q-What was your most embarrassing moment from junior year?
o This one is easy to answer. We were at state cheerleading competition in Columbia and we had just gotten done performing when a really cute guy walked by. I was trying to point him out to my friend and accidently poked him on the arm while I was pointing. He turned around and I tried to say hello but I was so out of breath that no words came out. He gave me a very weird look and started laughing. I got a drink and we began talking we exchanged numbers and are still friends.
Q-So you are a senior now. How do you feel and what will you remember most?
o Honestly I think I feel just like any other senior. I feel scared, excited, and anxious. There are so many emotions it’s hard to say exactly how I feel and I think what we feel changes from day to day. But what I will remember most is all the people that I have met and that have helped me along the way. All the teachers who put in late hours, friends who were always there, and parents that put up will me all these years.
-What has been your most embarrassing moment so far you senior year?
o Nothing really just stands out as embarrassing to me. If I had to pick something it would have to be when I was attending Marshfield schools. They had a cop in the building and I didn’t know he was right behind me. One of my friends asked me what I thought of him. I said “he is a self absorbed jerk who needs to grow up.” He tapped me on the shoulder and told me next time I should make sure the person I am talking about isn’t standing right behind me.
05 May 2009
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I think this is a GREAT idea for presenting the highs and lows of your high school experience.