07 May 2009

I wish I could see 'Grandma' Agian

“I wish I could see ‘Grandma’ again”.
When my parents moved to the little old blue house on Sunshine Drive all of the neighbors were friendly including our next-door neighbor an elderly woman named Adelia Ferris, or Grandma, as she preferred us to call her. Grandma would always invite my siblings and I over for fresh baked cookies and cherry Kool-Aid. We would stay over for hours and play blocks. Sometimes she had puzzles set out for us to build and if mom called us home early she would leave it out for us to finish next time we came over.
Grandma loved to paint. She painted pictures and the faces of the beautiful set of porcelain dolls in her living room. She did it for fun. They were beautifully arranged in a glass cabinet. My favorite one was the dark haired one with bouncy curls. Grandma always said she resembled me. I often admired them through the glass.
Grandma was always there for us when we needed her. When I was about eight, my mother had a stroke. My brother and me were at home alone when this happened, we ran over to Grandma’s house. After the ambulance took my mother to the hospital, my father asked Grandma if we could stay at her house until they came back. Grandma was more than happy to keep us; she did everything to make us feel better.
Overtime we noticed Grandma was becoming weak. Often times she would be too ill for us to come over. We had noticed she quit coming outside to tend to her garden. We often visited her during these times, but Grandma was just too tired. Then one day, Grandma’s sister came over to pack her things. She informed us that she was going to be transferred to the Lawrence County Manor. We went to see her as often as we could, but we noticed that something was happening to Grandma. Sometimes we come in and ask us our names, or ask were she was. We did not understand this behavior. A nurse explained to us that Grandma had developed Alzheimer’s. It was hard for us to see her like that. Over time she became even weaker, she was always asleep. One day we came home from school, and my parents were home with a worried look on their faces. They informed us of Grandma’s death. It was hard on the whole family; we all loved her very much. Her funeral was short and peaceful, I remember.
I will never forget my next-door neighbor who was very friendly and caring towards us. She was a wonderful welcome for my family and I into a new community. If she were still alive I would tell her everything about my life since I last saw her. I would love to see the relationship between her and my daughter. I know that Grandma would love her very much. She was the only Grandma I had growing up, and even though Andy already has two I’m sure she wouldn’t mind a third to spoil her rotten. I know the connection would be just as wonderful as it was with us.

Grandma was a very important person in my life growing up. Any feedback to make this better?

06 May 2009

What is Love ?
Love is little freckles and
tiny dirt speckles
Love is the fastest boy and
the newest toy
Love is the ancient apple tree and
big parties with tea
Love is swinging after lunch and
giving that mean girl a punch
Love is playing after school and
pushing the boys in the pool
Love is racing to the monkey bars and
taking off to mars
Love is sitting in the sandbox
and scratching chicken pox
Love is ohh so clear
for a fourth grader without a fear

05 May 2009

Bubbly and Vivacious

Andrea Nicole
I am bubbly and vivacious
I wonder how people cannot see the beauty in this world
I hear the laughter as I remember all the good times I’ve had throughout my life
I see my future plans, goals, and dreams being fulfilled
I want to help further the education of children
I am bubbly and vivacious

I pretend I am a professional dancer as I dance until my feet can’t dance anymore
I feel the warmth of the sun prancing across my face
I touch the stars as I accomplish my goals
I worry that I will fail, that I won’t reach those BIG dreams
I cry when I think of loved ones I’ve lost
I am bubbly and vivacious

I understand the world is not fair and never will be
I say all you need is love
I dream that one day I will make a difference in this world, someway, somehow
I try my best at everything I do, no matter how big or small
I hope to touch the lives of others each and every day
I am bubbly and vivacious
Andrea Nicole

I think I am going to add this poem that I just wrote on a page with two other bio poems I wrote(one from elementary school and one from middle school)...good or bad idea?

The good life.

I'm in my room baking
with my easy-bake oven.
I stacked four books up
on top of a chair
and climbed up to get it.
I just wanted a
chocolate sprinkle cake.
Mom smelled my baking
and came to check on me.
She wasn't happy.
Now my nose is
pressed to the corner

Now i'm turning the dial
I drop the key to my diary
next to the locket
and my favorite
cookie flavored chapstick.
When the door to
my red plastic vault closes
I can say,
"Oh, you want to borrow some
If you can get to it,
you can use it."
They'll never get to it.
Chapstick and diary?

I look back at myself wearing
my favorite teddy bear vest,
Baking a chocolate sprinkle cake
and locking up
my most prized posessions.
Always thinking of
what's best for me.
Cake, keys and style...
The only things you need
to live
the good life.

Any "ess's" you want to say are appreciated!

Simple Things

A child's Life
made up of simple nothings
A child's Life
of little blue rocking chairs
and pretend amen hallelujahs from the stuffed bears
A child's Life
made to simply learn how to have fun
with grandma's old bible and the blue pastors chair

A child's Life
Made up with a big imagination
with elk roaming free in my front yard
and pulling them over with my blue cop bike
for speeding through the field

A child's Life
Made up by the love of their family
From a little blue picture by grandma lily
to show how special that day really was

A child's Life
is certainly made up by just the simple things
But by far a child's life is most special of them all!

High School Years Gone By

Q-How did you feel the first day of your freshman year?
o Well I started high school with kind of an advantage over others I guess. I had my older sister Brandie who was a junior to help me. We were always good friends. Plus it didn’t hurt that I was a varsity cheerleader and it was a small town where everyone knew each other.
Q-What was your most embarrassing moment from your freshman year?
o My most embarrassing moment from freshman year? That is a hard one. It would probably be sitting at a choir concert and when I started to step down off the risers for my solo I started to fall and the person that tried to help me up ended up falling off the risers with me.
Q-When you started your sophomore year did you treat freshman badly?
o Oh, wow. Well, I would like to say that I was nice to the freshman and that we treated them fairly, but to be honest we probably didn’t treat the freshman as good as we could have. I think most of us are probably guilt of that at some time or another. I wish I could say that if I had it to do over I would change the way we treated them, but in reality I don’t think we would. Being picked on as the underdog is part of the high school experience I think.
Q-What was your most embarrassing moment from your sophomore year?
o My most embarrassing moment from sophomore year that one is easy. It is without a doubt my NHS induction ceremony. I fell down the stairs to the stage, accidentally knocked over my candle and lit the tablecloth on fire, and when I went to sit down I completely missed my chair and fell on the floor. All of this happened in front of the entire student body. That one wins hands down no questions asked I just wanted to hide in my house for the rest of the year.
Q-Your junior year begins and you are not on top but definitely have son authority. What do you do with it?
o Well, when my junior year started I no longer had my older sister there to rely on, but I did have my younger sister starting high school as a freshman. I will always remember how much it helped me to have my older sister there to help me and I wanted to do the same for my younger sister. So my junior year I did everything I could to make her transition into high school as easy as possible for her.
Q-What was your most embarrassing moment from junior year?
o This one is easy to answer. We were at state cheerleading competition in Columbia and we had just gotten done performing when a really cute guy walked by. I was trying to point him out to my friend and accidently poked him on the arm while I was pointing. He turned around and I tried to say hello but I was so out of breath that no words came out. He gave me a very weird look and started laughing. I got a drink and we began talking we exchanged numbers and are still friends.
Q-So you are a senior now. How do you feel and what will you remember most?
o Honestly I think I feel just like any other senior. I feel scared, excited, and anxious. There are so many emotions it’s hard to say exactly how I feel and I think what we feel changes from day to day. But what I will remember most is all the people that I have met and that have helped me along the way. All the teachers who put in late hours, friends who were always there, and parents that put up will me all these years.
-What has been your most embarrassing moment so far you senior year?
o Nothing really just stands out as embarrassing to me. If I had to pick something it would have to be when I was attending Marshfield schools. They had a cop in the building and I didn’t know he was right behind me. One of my friends asked me what I thought of him. I said “he is a self absorbed jerk who needs to grow up.” He tapped me on the shoulder and told me next time I should make sure the person I am talking about isn’t standing right behind me.


I have a MASH that goes along with this with Martin's name circled as my future husband. And this is what I wrote to go with it.......

It was always my dream to be the girlfriend to Martin, and with the emphamis MASH sealing my fate for just that, my life couldn't get any better.
It was fourth grade year and I'd had my eyes set on the dark haired, brown eyed boy across the room. He went by the name of Martin, and a simple simle from him is all it took for him to steal my heart. Unfortunatly, my heart was the last thing he wanted and I spent the rest of my fourth grade year trying to get him to notice me and want to be my boyfriend after all.
Easier said then done. Martin, as a boy, had bigger and better things to do than to lust over some dumb ole girl. Him and the other boys would always play basketball at recess with the girls standing on the sideline cheering them on. That wasn't enough though, so I moved on to plan two. Martin only lived a block away from me, so I always passed his house on my way to and from school. Luckly for me we both walked to school and back. Everyday I'd walk with him home. He was always walking with his friend, Andrew, and I was always walking with my sisters, so not much was said between us, but just walking next to him was good enough for me. Too bad he couldn't say the same. My days of trying to whoo him were quickly over as my fourth grade year came to an end. After that we never saw each other again. Still to this day though I wonder how things would be differentsly if that game of MASH had really came true. Maybe I'll see him one day, getting the chance to confess to him that he was my first true crush, although that was the one thing he tried so hard in the past to deny.

I really need help with this one. Please give any feedback you have. This piece of writting was thrown together really quickly and I'm really not pleased with it at all, so any kinda of addressing towards making it better would be greatly appriciated. thank you.

Memories of Koleen from Nana & Papa

this is a letter my nana sent me when i asked her to send me something for my mem. book

On a Sun. morning at 7:30am on 1-13-91 the phone rang & it was your mom & she said "hi grandma."
We were thrilled & got our first look at you at the hospital, &oh what a gift from God. Following that was a flurry of coming home, your first bath, showers etc. Papa & I were back for your baptism 2 weeks later.
Your 1st Easter Bunny came to our house & you really didn't understand what was going on, but mom & dad & papa had a ball watching you with an easter egg. Suddenly it was "boo" time & we had a "tiger" crawling down the hall.
Birthdays came and went & suddenly you were 8 and you went camping with nana and papa. Off we went to hanabil MO & learned about Mark Twain.
You loved coming to our house because you could swim in the lake and boat ride. However your first boat ride as a baby was memorable you cried the whole time! (so did your mom) In 2000 we went camping again to Colorado and mom went along too!
Years skipped by making memories, basketball games, concerts, plays, and summers. In April '05 you were confirmed and we were hononred to be there. And now you are about the girl whose oing to be a highschool graduate and go off to college. Papa and I are very proud of you and love you and look forward to making more memories with you as you continue on your path of life.
love and good luck
nana and papa

any kind of feed back is supurb.

Recipe for the First Day of High School

1 cup of sass 5 cups of friends

2 cups of New Clothes 2 cups of School Supplies

1/2 cup of fear 1 Digital Camera

1/2 cup of kindness 1 Cell Phone

1 Locker Combination 1 Good Outlook on Life

The first day of high school is always a blur. Here is a helpful recipe to get you through the dreadful first day.
Add in a backpack, mix lightly and walk on it for 7 hours. Follow as instructed...
First you add the 1 cup of sass, to make it sweet and spicy for the wild side of the first day. Then you add 2 cups of new clothes. Who doesn't want to look good for their very first day of high school? Then you add the 1/2 cup of fear, so you know your boundaries when it comes to those scary seniors! Then add the 1/2 cup of kindness so you don't get wailed on in the first 5 minutes of being in the school. Add 1 locker combination so you're not late to class, and don't have to visit Coach Kleine on your very first day! Next, 5 cups of friends who will always have your back, and never leave your side in this scary place. Then add 2 cups of school supplies so you can get your work finished and stay in good graces with the teachers. Add 1 digital camera to capture the unforgettable memories of your first day, and all of the days to come. Add 1 cell phone to text all your friends to see what they are wearing on the first day, so you know how to dress. Wouldn't want to get caught in a no-no outfit! Finally add a good outlook on life. Add this to make your high school experience enjoyable and carefree. If you enjoy it while you are here, it will go much faster and make for a unforgettable experience!
Bless and Address...Help!


Remember me when
we're seperated by

Remember me when
you feel

Remember me when
when your world is

Remember me when
you see your

Remember me when
your life is

Remember me when
you are

I'll remember you
so. . .

Please tell me what you think! Thanks :D


1990: I was born

1992: My mom signs over all rights to my dad, and we move to MO

1995: My daddy and new mommy get married

1996: My Stupid little sister Janessa is born

1999: My new mommy an daddy get divorced.

2002: I move to Republic against my will

2003: My daddy and wicked step-mother get married, and she has a daughter, MacKenzie

2004: My cute little brother is born. Austin Lester

2005: I start the dreaded High School

2005: I break my leg sliding into home plate...and it was just practice

2006: My mom finds me and we meet for the first time

2008: My cuter little brother is born. Preston Lester

2008: I meet Rex and we go out to the Ozark Empire Fair

2009: I get engaged to Rex!!

2009: I will graduate High School

Dear Journal

Dear Jourmal,
Hi my name is Andrea. I am ten years old. My birthday is Feburary 27, 1991. There are five people in my family. My mom, Robin, dad, Bruce, brother, Aaron, and sister, Laura. I have two cats named Charolette and Oscar. I have a lot of friends too. A few of them are: Katie, Hailey, Joslyn, Lexi, Erin, Emily, Meghan, and Kimmy. I really like school this year. I have a lot of my friends in my class, and my teacher, Mrs. Williams, rocks! I'm really sad though. My dad has been living in Oklahoma working for some time now and I miss him. His work is moving to Texas, and my mom said in May we have to move to Texas too. I'm glad I will get to be with my dad, but I'm going to miss all my friends! Well I have to go for now.
Love, Andrea

Address and Bless....I need help with a title, lol.

04 May 2009

Memory Book Madness

This a poem about my favorite childhood toy.... (Btw Stephie, I would like her back ASAP).. Mmk.. I haven't thought of a title yet so any sort of input would be well appreciated. As well as input on the poem itself because I know my sentence structure and rhyming is a little off! K. Thanks.

I have a best friend
her name is Meme Bear.
Full of love and loose stuffing,
she holds my secrets tight
and is my second pair of eyes.

She sees me crying when I'm sad
and laughing when I'm happy.
I toss her in the air,
drag her on the ground,
but I still know she is around.

She is the apple of my eye
and never says 'Goodbye'.
She always stays by my side,
but never seems to abide.

Remembering now it's very clear,
that she took away my every fear.
I will never find the love she gave,
but I will always have the memories made.