26 April 2009

Confessions of a High School Senior, First hand accounts of Koleen Kay

hello all. this is a poem i think i'm gonig to put in my memory book
let me know all the feed back you have please
possitive, negative, all that jazz

I got a warning in flashing red white and blue
Didn't tell my mom how late I was for curfew
I kept my secret for three long day
But the pain in my stomach made me give it away

Late one night I went out to play
Tried to steal a sign but ran away
The cops drove by and we fled in fear
I'll never forget that senior year

In a trip to walmart four fish were bought
The car ride home they were quite distraught
Gunther Phillip Walter and Stephen
They still swim in their bowl mornin to evenin

Me and kyle went to a movie
It was in 3D and pretty groovy
When it came time to recycle my glasses
I slipped them in my purse smooth as molasses.

1 comment:

  1. Koleen, This was AWESOME!.
    I love your use of rhyming!!
    And I'm guessing when you say glasses you mean those awesome 3D ones?.. lol
    Wonderfully done!
